Topee is a large wolf, and one that holds a dear place in my heart, even though I’ve never personally met this particular canine. Though perhaps that is for the best, for Topee is a creature of extreme confidence, aggression, and power. He's never once done harm to a human or preyed upon livestock, but seems to hold an appropriately wary view of our kind, and I don’t believe he would view me so kindly. But that is the way it should be, and it has kept he and his pack safe from human retribution for his thirteen long years of life in the Valley.
It is his confidence, I believe, that has led him to maintaining one of the largest superpacks in the Valley for several years, and commanding the respect and cooperation of several non-canine predators, including bears and large cats. It has also led him to pursuing alliances with neighboring packs, and successfully gaining the support of many during the Valley's more tumultuous years. Equally as impressive as his confidence is his aggression; in all the encounters I’ve documented, Topee has only lost one fight, and to a wolf who was larger and had the aid of their packmates. He is bold in defending his land and putting interlopers in their place, and not shy about turning this against his own kin when they step out of line.
In contrast to these qualities, Topee also has a compassionate side, and has shown time and again to be gentle and protective of pups, whether they are his or not. And though he was always domineering of his sisters, he was equally as protective over them and never failed to defend them when needed.
In his advancing age, I’ve noticed a certain wisdom check Topee's behavior. His aggression has become more reserved, and his dealings with others more dignified and controlled. I recognize that his days might be numbered, and each winter I find myself anxiously awaiting fresh prints or cam-trial captures of the black-caped wolf to confirm his continued health. To date, he continues to thrive, albeit quietly, in the marsh land of the territory he's held for the past eight years. I hope that he continues to do so, for many more years to come.
XC11 was born in a larger litter of eight in the Croal Mountains, to WB7 (Kalaber) and newcomer W523 (Black Plague). He is a large individual (I estimate around 140 pounds), and a great grandson of W1012 (Vicious), to which he likely owes his size. His underside is white, in sharp contrast to dark gray sides. Black covers his back and the rest of his body, somewhat like a cape – this is why I’ve named him 'Topee'. Like his parents and most of his siblings, his eyes are yellow, and perhaps a brighter shade than most.
Topee's mother died shortly after their birth, leading WB7 (Kalaber) to court a new mate, XB78 (Tazi), a younger coyote-mix. 78 was observed caring for Topee and his siblings, becoming an adoptive mother to the pups.
Around two months after their birth, 78's father, XA42 (Suenga) was observed carrying Topee from the Croal Mountains, along with his sister XC10 (Black Plague). The interaction didn't appear to be hostile (no signs of any struggle were noted at the den site), but Tazi wasn’t known to be in the area at the time of the incident. It's worth mentioning that 42's son, XB77 (Tahiyah Yuonia) was present and appeared to help with the abduction. It's unclear where Topee and his sister were taken immediately after this.
A camera trap in the upper mountains captured a fleeting image of WA140 (Sacrifice) carrying Topee, a short time after his abduction from the lower Croal Mountains. WB7 (Kalaber) and XB78 (Tazi) along with several other canines were seen in the vicinity on the same day, moving the young to a new den site in the Ruins. I speculate that they merged with the superpack residing in the area, as again no signs of fighting were noted in the area.
Topee was spotted entering the lower business district of Atroe City late in the summer of 2008, traveling with his brother WC13 (Ichigo) and sister WC10 (Black Plague). The three appear to be close, with Topee being especially protective of his sister, and the dominate one of the three.
The trio crossed paths with another group of siblings, coyote hybrids XA161 (Vertigo), XA156 (Grey), and XA157 (Halo). An unrelated female, XC35 (Stormchaser) was in the area at the time, and was observed reacting amiably towards both groups. This initial peace turned tense when 161 began to show hostility towards Topee’s family, eliciting aggression from Topee and his brother. A standoff ensued, and I believe the young ages of all involved stalled them from fighting. Topee is large for an adolescent, but not yet experienced in fighting. In the end, the groups parted ways without bloodshed; but what was the cause of the aggression? Did Topee transgress onto their territory? Was there a social faux pas due to inexperience?
In the days following the standoff, Topee was again spotted in the lower district of Atroe City, this time with his father. WB7 (Kalaber) appeared to be in an agitated, distressed state, and drove Topee from the alleyways, shortly before being killed by D71 (Lyckos), the alpha of the Shadow Den Pack. This backs the theory that the two groups were engaged in a territory dispute, or perhaps a feud stemming from another incident. I also believe WB7 drove Topee away at this time, knowing that his son was too young and inexperienced to engage with an enemy pack.
Topee briefly courted a new wolf, W749 (Reincarnation) after encountering the other in the prairie. 749 followed after him initially, but broke away a short time later. On that same day, he was spotted in the boglands with E17 (Amari). Curiously, Topee showed no aggression towards the coyote, a phenomenon that's been reported more frequently in the Valley. He even appeared gentle towards the smaller canid, who was displaying signs of intense fear. I wonder if this kindness towards an unknown coyote stems from being raised by his adopted mother, who was part coyote? Or perhaps its just in his nature; he is a protective brother towards WC10 (Black Plague), and may have seen E17 (Amari) in the same light?
Later in the summer, Topee was documented with a Mexican wolf, G47 (Sanura). The interaction appeared somewhat intense, with both displaying dominance towards each other, but no true aggression. After the initial tension, 47 attempted to court Topee, but he rebuffed her advances. He later bred with XC16 (Destroying Angel), producing at least one pup XD88 (Matrix), but showed no paternal interest in his daughter, and was not seen traveling with 16.
By fall of 2008, I confirmed that Topee had not only secured his father's old territory, but had amassed a superpack in the Shadow Hedge territory and successfully led it. He and numerous packmates were spotted at Atroe's landfill, where XB112 (Koga) was seen rushing towards him in a state of excitement. After a brief interaction, Topee led his packmates away, towards Pike's Lake. The entire group converged at the watershed, where Topee’s elder sister W535 (White Feathers) was known to be. Numerous other animals were amassed at the site, and I believe Topee's presence, along with his pack, helped to dissuade any actual bloodshed between 535 and a rival pack who were also present. Curiously, Topee didn't appear amiable towards his sister, or particularly aggressive towards her rival HA8 (Isabel).
Towards the end of 2008, Topee and numerous members of his pack were frequenting Atroe's landfill, where they seem to have taken up residence. It’s around this time that Topee was seen courting a new wolf, W779 (Zenyetta). The two later produce a small litter of two, WD18 (Myriad) and WD19 (Zanjero). Unlike XC16 (Destroying Angel), Topee seems to have bonded to the new wolf.
Just as I was beginning to worry that Topee’s presence in the landfill may lead to human conflict, he appears to have moved his group out to the Spinulose Bog. The land is more suitable to them there, and I finally documented friendly interactions between he and numerous big cats. I'm not sure how this arrangement came to be, but it does appear that Topee is actively leading the superpack, and both species are coexisting.
I haven't seen WC10 (Black Plague) with Topee for some time, and I have noticed an uptick in his aggression. Perhaps this heightened aggression allowed him to acquire and dominate such a large group of animals? Whatever the cause, it seems to be working for Topee, as he appears in prime health, and a lack of scarring suggests he's not been in any serious altercations.
By late winter of 2009, near the beginning of the year, Topee relocated his pack closer to Atroe City again, this time settling in Soloughvein Downs. His mate, W779 (Zenyetta) likely perished during this time, possibly due to the harsh weather.
In March of 2009, a trail cam captured an interesting interaction between CA42 (Avril) and her half-sister CC2 (Esprit) after they strayed into Topee's territory. Topee quickly came upon the pair, reacting with excessive aggression, to the point that I expected a fight to break out. The hostility was broken by the presence of a cougar, who seemed to bring a sense of calm upon the group after approaching the trio. Topee remained tense in posture however, and loped away.
Around early spring of 2009, some days after the encounter with the sisters, a most bizarre incident occurred. XC40 (Rayne) was spotted entering Topee's territory, followed closely by packmates XD36 (Cynical), CA22 (Razor), WA185 (Dab), WA186 (Fleet), and XD53 (Havik). Topee, along with numerous packmates intercepted the small group, but curiously showed no signs of aggression towards the interlopers. It struck me how kingly Topee appeared as he met with them on this day, holding himself with confidence and pride, without once baring his canines or raising his hackles. Had he previously encountered XC40 and his band, was their mutual respect between the two leaders?
Topee eventually retreated a few yards away and sat down, after sharing a rare moment of affection with his daughter WD18 (Myriad) by licking the top of her head. She joined her father, and both remained remarkably calm, almost nonchalant, as XC40 (Rayne) was suddenly set upon by XD53 (Havik), XD36 (Cynical), and XA22 (Razor), who methodically chewed his tail and ears off. This gruesome process was repeated in various forms by other members of his band, along with some of Topee's pack. Later field work confirmed that several large cats and other exotic animals took part in what I can only describe as a ritual maiming, loosing either their tails, ears, and in some cases, both. Topee and his immediate relatives did not take part in this bloody affair, and I can only wonder what the meaning and cause of this behavior was.
By the summer of 2009, Topee's large pack had gained the addition of XC40 and his packmates, though it appeared to me the groups were not fully integrated. Perhaps just sharing land and resources as allies, in order to compete with the other packs in the area? Though I'm not sure of exact dynamics of the group, I am happy to note that WC10 (Black Plague) was again spotted with her brother, appearing alive and well.
XA44 (Bandit) was spotted along with numerous family members and several exotic felines from the Ruins Pack, heading into Topee's territory. Topee was quick to intercept the large group, with WC10 (Black Plague) standing at his side once again. Topee appeared tense in the presence of the others, but showed no keen aggression towards them; XA44 and the others likewise offered no obvious aggression. After this encounter, I believe 44's group was allowed to stay in Topee's territory, similar to XC40's (Rayne) group.
A few weeks later, I was worried when fresh tracks were found in the upper business district of Atroe City, along with reports of two wolves fitting Topee and WC10's description. Follow-up studies would confirm it was likely the sibling pair. This was the first time they'd descended so far into the city, where even the Shadow Den pack was cautious of entering, and I feared for Topee's safety if his aggression got the better of him. Thankfully, his brief trip into the city caused no harm, and this was the last time he was seen traveling there. Curiously, prints of a large feline were found alongside the siblings'; I can only surmise it was a member of Topee's pack.
Something happened to Topee during the late summer; I'm not sure if it was an internal squabble within the superpack, or an outside interference, but the most recent sightings of the wolf have shown him limping and sporting serious injuries. The wounds suggest a fight with another predator, and I worry for his survival. I also wonder if the dynamics in the pack have been altered, as camera traps have shown a decrease in activity within the past few days, suggesting a shake-up in the group.
Topee later recovered from whatever fight had led to his injuries, though I have noted a resurgence in his aggression, similar to his behavior as an adolescent. His pack appears to be stable once more, and WC10 has been spotted frequently at his side.
A month after his fight, Topee and WC10 (Black Plague) were recorded crossing Carver's Bridge. They were quickly met by XA81 (Tainted) and her father (X98), who reacted with aggression to invaders on their land. Though outside of his own territory, Topee reacted with hostility himself, and even raised his tail in a declaration of dominance. It was interesting to see 10 pushing back on her brother's shoulder, in what I believe was an attempt to discourage him from fighting. To my surprise, Topee attacked his sister, leaving minor wounds to her muzzle before turning his aggression back to 81 and 98. Unfortunately, the group moved out of frame of the camera trap, leaving the rest of the interaction up for speculation. Field research revealed no signs of bloodshed other than 10's, leading me to believe that a physical fight never broke out, and both parties eventually separated.
A few days into the month of October, a trail cam captured the return of XC40 (Rayne) and several of his packmates. Topee greeted them with calm dominance, appearing at ease in their presence. He did express some minor hostility towards his sister WC10 again, snapping at her muzzle when she drew too close. Though it's hard to infer, I believe her being in heat may have triggered his aggression, as several other males in the pack appeared to be interested in her.
That aggression continued in the next trail cam capture, showing Topee initially being nurturing towards WC10 when she and XA47 (Ghoul) approached in a fearful, exhausted manner, as if they'd just escaped from a predator. When HC36 (Framed), an outsider to the pack, stumbled across the group and elicited aggression from Topee, he once more snapped at his sister when she tried to intervene in the interaction.
Topee's tracks were spotted near the Sedge Creek territory in early winter, along with those of W750 (Saydin). The interaction was likely a positive or at least neutral one, as the tracks indicate no scuffling, running, or erratic movements. Was Topee trying to recruit more members, or perhaps trying to court 750? Perhaps it had something to do with 750’s daughter, HC36 (Framed) being in Topee's territory a few weeks earlier?
A blurry camera trap image caught Topee moving towards the Parnassian Meadows territory next, and later field work found his prints at the border of the land, matching with W875 (Devil May Cry). Again, this interaction appeared to be brief and non-hostile. I’m led to believe that Topee may have been inspecting his neighbors, or sizing up potential threats.
A few days after these border inspections, XB26 (Camden), son of the dog who killed Topee's father, was documented at the edge of the Soloughvein Downs. Topee and XC10 responded to his howls and pursued him out of the territory. They were later spotted at the coast of Orca Bay, along with a large conglomeration of other known alphas, many with known hostile history towards one another. I can only theorize the reasoning behind this gathering of dominate canines, but can say that despite the presence of Topee (who is well known for his aggression), there was no bloodshed or overt aggression displayed. Eventually, all parties went their separate ways without incident.
In midsummer of 2010, Topee was located traveling solo through the mid Prairie, where he encountered HC28 (Nightshade). The two immediately squared off, then dove into a fight. Despite Topee's long reigning dominance, the larger 28 managed to overpower him and force him to the ground. I feared this would be the end of the young alpha, but 28's intentions were not to kill him. 28's sister, HC29 (Psychotic) soon joined her sibling, along with 28's son HD3 (Tison), and daughters HD9 (Alik) and HD8 (Alayla). 28 released what could have been a fatal hold on Topee, allowing him to stand, while 29 snapped at and harried the male. Together, 28's family herded Topee in the direction of their territory, the Manahcob Downs.
I had feared Topee dead for months now, as no sign of him had been seen in the Soloughvein Downs, and his sister WC10 appeared to have taken over leadership of the pack. The trail cams in the Manahcob Downs were difficult to access during the late autumn and early winter, and with HC28's notorious and brazen human aggression, I was hesitant to enter the territory at all. Curiosity got the better of me, and with the help of a colleague, I was able to recharge most of the cams in the area by late December.
Scarcely two weeks later, I caught sight of Topee, alive and well, running frantically with XE57 out of the territory. I caution to speculate as much, but it struck me that 57 may have helped Topee escape from the pack, with as hastily as they were running from the area.
The same day, the pair were seen returning to the Soloughvein Downs, where WC10 immediately showed submission to her brother, and Topee met with the nieces and nephews that had been born to WC10 during his absence. Many of the adolescents showed a mix of uncertainty and even hostility towards Topee, with WD145 (Gravemind) even snapping at Topee's muzzle. To my surprise (and relief), Topee tolerated this with surprising grace and didn't retaliate.
I confirmed later in the season that Topee fathered his third litter of pups, his largest yet consisting of three males and a female.
In a surprise find, Topee ran across his uncle, wolf WA103, who had not been seen in the Valley for several years. Though initially tense, the interaction remained relatively peaceful, and the two eventually parted ways without bloodshed.
Through 2011, Topee recovered fully from his ordeal in HC38's (Nightshade) attack and imprisonment, though no signs of his new mate have been seen in the area. WC10 remains loyally at his side, and the pack continues to thrive quietly in the outskirts of Atroe City. I noted no significant interactions with Topee until late winter of 2012, when a recently escaped wolfdog X165 (Kody) stumbled across his turf. Topee reacted with predicted aggression towards the interloper, and when 165 didn't back down, he was attacked and moderately wounded by the alpha. After a short struggle, 165 eventually showed submission, and Topee yielded his attack, allowing the hybrid to remain in the territory.
I noted that WC10 once again appeared anxious about her brother fighting, but made no attempts at intervening this time.
Sometime in midsummer, Topee was caught on a trail-cam with a serious limp. I’m uncertain what caused his injuries, but its likely they were from a hunt, or perhaps a fall. Whatever their cause, they were debilitating enough to force WC10 to take lead of the pack for sometime while Topee recovered.
Around August of 2012, a newcomer, hybrid X169, was seen traveling towards Topee’s territory. Despite his wounded state, he was quick to engage the trespasser with aggression. 169 was quick to show submission, and a fight was avoided.
Towards the end of 2012, images from several camera traps suggested that Topee was still suffering from his accident earlier in the summer. Fieldwork confirmed an uneven gait, and I feared that the wolf may be permanently crippled. Perhaps this is why he and WC10 were spotted traveling deeper in the Valley, exploring new lands with their pack and moving away from the Downs, where run-ins with interlopers were becoming more frequent.
The pair was spotted briefly at the Sapphire Brooke, but were met with resistance from the lands' owners, a mix-species pack, and quickly retreated. A few days later, Topee was recorded within the Parnassian Meadows territory, with several former packmates noted there as well. It's worth mentioning that the superpack is considerably smaller now than it had been in previous years; did Topee's injuries lead to this diminishing, or did such a massive gathering of animals simply deplete the resources of the area and force them to disband? Whatever the cause, Topee's pack is estimated to have at least thirty to forty members at this time, which is still a remarkable amount.
My original fears for Topee's physical condition proved unfounded, as an observation two months later found him traveling with his sister across the Eskers, now with no visible limp or impairment. He appeared to be back to full strength, and was alert and confident when reacting to the presence of four other canines traveling nearby; XA5 (Hydras), CA54 (Isias), XA321 (Zautu), and XA111 (Starcrossed). The two groups were initially cautious of each other, but after a few moments of interaction, the four followed Topee and his sister back to his territory. I suspect Topee was likely trying to recruit new members to pack. Later field work confirmed that all four canines were present in the territory.
In midspring, Topee was observed traveling closely with CA54 (Isias) (I wondered if she may be courted as his new mate?). They had traveled to the edge of the Aspen Grove territory, where they were met by 54's brothers, the reclusive alpha CA55 (Starscream) and alpha CA57 (Valian), and several packmates belong to both leaders. The interaction was an interesting one, with 55 and Topee showing hostility towards each other, while 57 seemed aloof. At one point, 55 charged Topee, but his sister interrupted what may have turned into a fight.
All parties seemed to relax and come to an understanding with one another, and though tension seemed to be present still, no further aggression was shown. Curiously, CA55 was seen traveling with Topee after this interaction, moving towards his territory.
The trio was confirmed to be in Topee's territory later that day, with CA55 (Starscream) exhibiting signs of stress. It’s noted that 55 did not appear submissive towards Topee, so what was the reason for this cooperation? Was Topee again trying to create friends out of neighboring packs, and if so, did CA54 (Isias) have anything to do with her brother's pack being invited to Topee's territory? Whatever the case may be, it highlights Topee's exceptional leadership skills and flexibility in being able to maintain dominance and cooperation out of so many different animals.
Topee was observed escorting CA54 (Isias) and CA55 (Starscream) back to the Aspen Grove, where the rest of the pack converged in a friendly manner on their alpha. Minutes after this greeting, W946 (Kurok) traveled with Topee and several pups from the Aspen Grove, heading back towards the Parnassian Meadows. While I initially believed this might be another merger event, the dominance showed by 55 suggests that this may have been more of a temporary sharing of land, more akin to an alliance than a joining of packs. I also suspect the reasoning for this may be from pressure posed by the Ruins Pack.
Only days after this peculiar merger event, a symphony of howling was heard coming from the lower Croal Mountains, and a large, mixed-group of animals was seen parading directly for the Aspen Grove. Topee was located near the same time, leading a considerable number of members from his own pack, in what appeared to be a direct reaction of hearing the Ruins Pack howling.
What came next was a skirmish, pieced together with retrieved trail cam footage and later inspection of the site. In an act of great bravery, perhaps driven by his high aggression and resounding confidence, and newly formed alliance with the 55's pack, Topee appeared to go straight for XC4 (Tersek). XC4's offspring, sons XD137 (Drekh) and XD20 (Huerosan) immediately set upon Topee in response. The last captured image of Topee in this fight shows him lunging for Drekh’s throat, before a an earthquake and catastrophic mudslide hit the area. This was also the last year WC10 was seen alive with Topee.
For several years following this dramatic battle, several reported but unconfirmed sightings of Topee were made, but funding issues and an unfortunate event at the EARTH facility prevented us from conducting extensive field work. Though I strongly suspected Topee had survived the fight and ensuing mudslide, it was only by early 2019 that I finally caught a decent image of Topee climbing into the Canyon, and could confirm that earlier prints recovered in the Parnassian Meadow were most likely his. Most of his pack seems to have perished in the previous years, but Topee, despite his advancing age (now aged at 11), remains in remarkable condition.
While resting near one of the ledges, tracks indicate another, smaller canine (later confirmed to be XB102 (Taiya)) approached him. There didn't appear to be any aggression during this interaction, and 102's tracks followed closely to Topee's, showing that she followed the larger male home. Did they court each other, or was the interaction a simple, amiable one? Without footage, it’s hard to speculate, but it's likely Topee was eager to gain new members and replenish his decimated pack.
To my delight, newly installed traps captured a never-before-seen series of pictures showing Topee engaging in play behavior, after some initial prodding by XB102 (Taiya). The pair were spotted in several locations, traveling closely together before 102 enticed him into a round of chase.
In early summer, Crucifix and XB102 were located in the Tabumrot Scar, with 102 seeming to lead the pair. The cause for this was likely in response to 102's mother, HA11 (Vale) being in the area. The trio met midway into the bog, with 102 showing excitement and affection to 11, while Topee remained passive during the encounter.
Early in the summer, 102 seemed to have taken the mantle of alpha female, and was confirmed to be a partner to Topee. She was present with Topee when XA125 (Whiteout) brought XE117 (Krush) into the packlands, where the newcomer showed prompt submission to both leaders. Topee seemed accepting of the hybrid, but appeared somewhat disdainful of the donut that 117 brought. I’m thankful to note this reaction, as it suggests Topee has no interest in human food, a trait that has so far kept him out of trouble with Atroe City.
Recently installed rock-cameras captured a harrowing attack on the pack in midsummer. During the night, Topee was observed approaching a large cat within their territory, dangerously close to the den. His immediate reaction was one of dominance, but no aggression; with his previous encounters with big cats being amiable, and several being part of his former superpack, his lack of hostility wasn't surprising. During this interaction however, two other cats had gotten closer to the den, attacking and badly wounding Topee's sister, and grabbing his niece XB234 (Neferyt). Topee bolted for the den along with other packmates, but the cats retreated too quickly for him to catch. For the first time in many years, I saw the old aggression in Topee renew.
Late in the summer of 2019, Topee became a father again, with his mate giving birth to four healthy offspring – two females XD154 (Izzabella), XD156 (Hati), XD155 (Sebastian), and XD157 (Orsino). Again, as he'd been noted for in the past, Topee was exceptionally gentle with his new offspring and played an active and protective role in rearing them with XB102 (Taiya).
A few weeks after the birth of Topee's pups, a small hybrid known as XE62 (Sunburst), a known member of the Ruins Pack, was observed entering the territory with Topee's missing niece, XB234 (Neferyt). 62 showed immediate submission upon Topee's approach, with Topee responding with raised hackles and clear aggression; it's worth noting that this display was briefly softened when his niece ran to him, hiding beneath his belly, and receiving a comforting nuzzle from her uncle. Again, his softer spot for young was shown.
Late in the fall of the same year, Topee and XE117 (Krush) were documented approaching the Aspen Grove territory. Similar to their first meeting six years earlier, CA55 (Starscream) reacted defensively, going so far as to bare his fangs and raise his hackles. Topee remained far more composed, perhaps having earned enough wisdom through his many years to know how to handle these interactions. Unlike their last foray, 55 did not join Topee, but appeared to have calmed considerably (the presence of his new mate, W947 (Tayzeka) seemed to play a part in this). The groups parted ways on peaceful terms.
Through the following months, and into 2020, Topee continued to maintain his land and his pack, though XA125 (Whiteout) and XA123 (Blue) haven't been seen in some time. The only major thing of note was an incident where three large cats and a canine from the Ruins Pack entered the territory and interacted with Topee. The alpha was spotted by himself, and though appeared irritable, showed no real aggression towards the interlopers, and the groups parted ways without incident.
During 2021, Topee was spotted frequently within his territory. At 13 years of age, he is the second oldest and one of the longest reigning canine alphas in the Valley. The condition of his pack is uncertain, but his health appears to be well enough for him to hold onto his land. Of note, a large grizzly bear had been seen frequenting the land, seemingly on friendly terms with Topee. I'm again awed at the male's ability to cooperate with other larger predators, and wonder what brings about such unique companionships.
In late summer, he was observed responding to the howls of the Sonnet Forest pack, where his niece XB236 (Naiche) had migrated to several months prior. The pack was being preyed upon by a group of large cats, and it's likely his niece's presence prompted the quick reaction. XE117 (Krush) and XE62 (Sunburst) followed their alpha, and with the aid of the Aspen Grove pack (who likely responded to their own daughter, CB66 (Arora), an alpha of the Sonnet Forest), were able to drive away the big cats before they could bring down any of the Sonnet Grove wolves. Curiously, the bear that frequented Topee’s pack also arrived, and appeared to act in defense of the Sonnet Grove wolves.
Following their travel to the Scar, Topee now appeared to lead the journey towards the Prairie. The purpose and determination in his gait tells me that he likely picked up on a familiar scent, or perhaps he and his newly acquired mate were purposely searching for their relatives. Whatever the case may be, Topee was found reuniting with an elder half-sister, CA58 (Blackened Song), and meeting his new niece and nephews. The interaction was a positive one, with 58 showing friendliness and submission to her younger brother. He appeared gentle with her offspring, a hallmark that I'd noted in Topee over the years. Following this reunion, Topee led 58 and her small pack back to his territory.
Later that same night, Topee was recorded entering the upper district of Atroe City, showing great empathy towards his sister as he supported her on the journey through the town. It reminds me of his behavior towards his sister, WC10, who had disappeared along with other members of his pack in the previous years.
It was interesting to note that XE117 (Krush) appeared to be leading the pack into the town, with Topee displaying signs of discomfort and aggression. Though I know of no encounters between he and any humans, he has displayed a distinct disinclination to be around people and human-related objects in his later years. On this occasion however, he was trusting enough of XE117 to follow the hybrid's lead. After showing affection towards his sister, Topee retreated to the edge of the yard with the rest of his pack, where Kate Wallock noticed his pacing and agitated behavior, and noted growling from the big male.
Topee's sister was found to have a mildly fractured jaw, which was treated by Kate. Due to the stress displayed by Topee and his pack, and the extreme aggression and high intelligence he was known to have, Kate opted not to keep her in holding, lest that provoke an attack from her highly protective family. Instead, she used a flexible, degradable jaw brace on CA58 (Blackened Song), along with a round of antibiotics and analgesics. She was then left outside to recover, with Topee returning immediately to her side. He stood guard until she awoke, and once she was able to move on her own, he guided her and the rest of the pack back to their territory.
Two large cats, also known members of the Ruins Pack, approached Topee, now with XB102 (Taiya) and XE117 (Krush) at his side. The confrontation remained tense, but ultimately ended in the two cats leaving without a quarrel, and 62 remaining with the pack. Interestingly, Topee showed an unusual amount of tolerance to 62, while others in the pack, especially CA58 (Blackened Song) and XB236 (Naiche), exhibited continued hostility.